USF's iconic Water Tower is getting a makeover!
Not only will the tower be getting a fresh coat of paint, it’s getting bold new graphics that will proudly display our Bull’s Pride. (See before and after prints above.)
While the repainting provided an opportunity to improve the appearance, the primary reason for the makeover was due to required maintenance--the special paint for water towers has a life expectancy of 15 years and we've approached that time.
At approximately 212 feet tall – the equivalent of a 20-story building – the "USF" logo (using the Athletic "U"), will be a whopping 12.5 feet tall. Green and gold striping around the top of the tank will range from two feet wide to as much as seven feet! In addition, large vertical green and gold stripes will also grace the sides of the tower.
The repainting has begun and is expected to be completed in April. During the repainting project, a process called shrouding will also be used to prevent overspray from blowing into nearby areas.
Facilities Management – Partners in Service Excellence!